What Church Vitality Is Not

Late spring / early summer is a busy season in the life of the United Church of Christ—many annual meetings are taking place within conferences and associations. I was privileged to attend one such meeting and offer a keynote and workshop for the Minnesota Conference annual gathering in June. The theme of the meeting was…

What Counts, Church?

This week’s post is written by the Rev. Dr. Patrick G. Duggan, Executive Director of the United Church of Christ Church Building & Loan Fund. Since 1995, Rev. Dr. Duggan has also served as senior pastor of the Congregational Church of South Hempstead in South Hempstead, New York. Recently I read the journal from a…

When Numbers Get Messy

I’m not a “numbers” person by nature. It takes a lot of energy for me to engage in statistical analysis, and it almost always involves taking my stats textbooks from the bookshelf and pouring over step-by-step instructions on performing certain statistical tests. In many ways, though, numbers seem easy –– they are fixed, tangible things,…

Gender Pay Gaps for UCC Clergy: Exploring the Numbers

Last week, a Religion New Service blog article caught the attention of many clergy in both mainline and evangelical circles. Tobin Grant reported on the disparities in pay between male and female clergy—analyzed for the first time by the Bureau of Labor Statistics this year—which highlighted that the gender disparity in pay for clergywomen amounts…

Throwback 2015: All the Lonely People

At the end of every year, I take the time to share some of our most memorable posts from the past twelve months. This year, I’m highlighting a few of our most viewed articles. The following post is from September 28 and is a reminder and a challenge to reach out to the oldest among us. This post…

Throwback 2015: The Future of Religion

At the end of every year, I take the time to share some of our most memorable posts from the past twelve months. This year, I’m highlighting a few of our most viewed articles. The following post is from April 13 and responds to a report released earlier this year by the Pew Research Center. This,…

Throwback 2015: Mustard Seed Church

At the end of every year, I take the time to share some of our most memorable posts from the past twelve months. This year, I’m highlighting a few of our most viewed articles. The following post is from August 10 and tied the record for most views this year. Enjoy! Mustard Seed Church by…